Thursday, June 26, 2008

Administrative Skills

What are the "best practices" in terms of managing student blogs? Helpful hints and comments towards being a better administrator of student blogging?


Sarah Sutter said...

Great point Bill! I REALLY want to do student blogs and I can't figure out how to do it efficiently. New kids every 8-9 weeks, setting up 40+ new blogs every two months - and I can't do it ahead of time since I have no idea who will actually be IN the class until the first day. Yikes. I'm going to try to do something with moodle this coming year to start the idea, but I'd rather do something on edublogs. I'll definitely be doing a CLASS blog, or an Art Dept blog, or a tech blog . . . but I can't do all of them - no time to update! Where to start . . how to manage . .definitely huge questions.

Sarah Sutter said...

Ooops - Bridget! Sorry - still getting used to the attribution line organization in Blogger.